It is obvious that the importance of Asia in the world economy is increasing. In the 2030’s, Asia will occupy half of the world GDP. It is no exaggeration to say the Asian economy is equal to the world’s economy. On the other hand, we have a big “Asian Paradox” issue. Despite the fact that economic cooperation’s have been accelerating, politics and historical issues are breaking out and it disturbs both areas from developing. Japan needs embarkation upon the Asian market due to Japan’s market size. However, many companies show little success. What do we need for succession in the Asian market? Here at Tama Graduate School, - Prof. Kim provides a lecture focusing on this question. “Business and Economy in East Asia” offers some cue to be successful.
![]() 金美徳教授 |
1962年兵庫県生まれ。早稲田大学大学院国際経営学修士・国際関係学博士課程修了。三井物産戦略研究所を経て、多摩大学経営情報学部および大学院経営情報学研究科教授に就任。専門分野は、日韓企業、朝鮮半島、アジア経済。所属学会は、現代韓国朝鮮学会、北東アジア学会。寺島文庫塾アジアユーラシア研究会代表幹事や岡山大学キャンパスアジア事業(グローバル人材育成)推進メンバーなど。 He was born in 1962 at Hyogo prefecture and completed Doctorate Degree in International Relations from Waseda University. After working at Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute, he became a professor at the School of Management Information Sciences in Tama University and Tama University Graduate School. His major fields of study are: Japanese and Korean corporations, the Korean Peninsula, and the Asian economy. He belongs to the Association for Contemporary Korean Studies in Japan and the Association for Northeast Asia Regional Studies. He is also Chairman of Terashima Bunko Society for Asia-Eurasia Studies and a promoting member of CAMPUS Asia in Okayama University. |
金 日本は他のアジアの国々に対して上から目線になってしまっている。これが大きな間違いの一歩でしょう。確かにアジアの中で日本は政治的にも経済的にも抜きんでた存在であることに間違いはありません。しかし最近ではアジアの方が日本より優秀な面も増えてきています。
1979年に日本的経営を称賛した「ジャパン・アズ・ナンバーワン(Japan as Number One)」という本が出た際、経済が思わしくなかったアメリカは日本から経営を学び、見事に復活しました。第二次世界大戦の戦勝国であるアメリカがプライドを投げ捨て、敗戦国である日本から学ぶ。これはなかなかできることではありません。
――It’s been a long time since Asia became very important to the economy. However, not many Japanese companies succeed. Why do you think that is?
Prof. Kim: Japan has too much confidence in Asian countries. It may be the first wrong step that Japan took. No doubt Japan has an outstanding politics system and economy but other Asian countries have better aspects from different perspectives.
For example, electronic maker: Samsung. They have been making phenomenal success while Panasonic, Sharp and Sony were losing business. What is the difference? Samsung had challenged itself and gained knowledge through failure, whereas Japan would refrain from fear of any failure. It leads to emergent Asian companies continued growth, and leaves Japan companies lagging.
In 1979, the book titled “Japan as Number One” was published and The United States of America was in an economic slump at the time. They had learned management from Japan and their economy had revived successfully. Please imagine how hard it was to learn something from a defeated country.
What Japan needs most is to humbly learn from Asia. It is necessary to absorb Western management without ignoring Asia’s presence to be a success in an Asian business environment.